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Looking for a door that can handle harsh climates

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Hello, forum members! We live in an area with very changeable weather - in winter the temperature can drop below -20°C, and in summer it can rise to +35°C. We want to replace the front door so that it can withstand such changes. Are there any materials or technologies that are especially suitable for extreme climates? A good level of insulation is also important to reduce heating costs. Share with us, who has had experience choosing a door for such conditions?

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Our region doesn't have harsh winters, but I needed to replace the old doors. I looked for a reliable solution and came across entry door at https://www.elegantentrydoors.ca/. They have a great selection of thermally insulated doors that are perfect for the climate you described. There are some cool and not expensive heat-resistant models. Write to them and the company managers will help you find an option that will fit your interior perfectly.

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